Glass is a wonderful material, in particular the high performance Glass and Glazing used in commercial Multi Storey Buildings. It exhibits remarkable strength against the huge forces generated by high winds, rain, hail and snow whilst providing aesthetics and the natural sunlight fundamentel to our wellbeing in the workplace.
But for all its strengths and qualities, glass is fragile and the transportation, handling and offloading from vehicles to the glazing face requires great care, knowledge and understanding.
During refurbishment of damaged or failed glazing, the risk of accidental breakages is acute and this is one of the main challenges in tall buildings which involves the elevation of glass to tremendous heights.
Manual handling of glass is mostly prohibitive due to risk of glass breakage, injuries and just plain lack of practicality.
In these situations Anglia High Level Glazing utilize advanced methods to get the job done. We often use a hydraulic suction pump connected to a crane for glass window and wall refurbishment. This method can also be used to lift other materials such as metal sheets. It enables us to safely plan and co-ordinate the storage point of materials and avoid obstacles en route to the workface.
By using these specializeed methods and our track record in dealing with any repair/refurbishment challenges we are given, Anglia High Level glazing are perfectly placed to tackle any maintenance project you may have.