As Glazing Refurbishment Specialists, Anglia High Level Glazing technicians have been providing maintenance and repair services for glazing installations at the highest quality for over 20 years.
As well as glazed commercial or industrial structures, Our services can also include maintenance of other glazed architectural features such as glass
roofing, curtain walls, rooflights , glazed canopies, glazed entrances, windows, and doors.
Maintenance for certain buildings are not simply a matter of upkeep, but is essential due to the role they play in their communities such as hospitals, schools, banks, and universities. Due to this it is important the responsibility for the maintenance is entrusted to qualified and tested companies like Anglia High Level Glazing.
Anglia High Level Glazing technicians are experienced, and trained to high standards. Their work is designed to protect any glazed structure against defects and leaks to a guaranteed quality. The services we offer include overhauling and repairing drainage systems and remedial solutions for all
associated gutter systems, as well as renewing seals.
No buildings’ glazing repairs are considered too challenging for us due to the years of experience gained working in high or restrictive environments. Meticulous planning and safety measures are always employed.
We offer a no strings attached inspection service which enables us to both put clients minds at rest knowing their structure is safe and dry, and also identify potential defects which could lead to future problems.
Contact our office today to arrange an initial inspection.