Unless you are one of the fortunate creatures who spend the winter in hibernation, you no doubt will have been affected by the blustery winds, sub zero temperatures created by the so called “Beast from the East”
The visible effects of the extreme cold are obvious and when combined with sleet and snow, then Vehicles, Buildings and anything it lands on experience a deep freeze.
These conditions result in hidden damage to buildings, but unknown to most people there is a toll on glazing elements especially large expanses of glass such as in shopping centres, schools, hospitals and other municipal structures. The resultant freeze and thaw can dislodge gaskets, force open cracks and generally undermine the water resistant element of any glass structure.
We are still in the throes of the frozen conditions but in the next few days the thawing conditions will start to reveal the flaws in glazing structures.
If you manage any commercial glazing and you have not had regular maintenance checks, or you suspect in any way that your structure could be compromised, we would recommend that you take advantage of our no obligation glazing inspection. This would reveal any problems and enable you to eliminate problems before they become more serious and costly.